Terran Telepaths

Birth of Terran Telepaths
Dr. David Sanders

Introduction Mutation Patient Delusions Thought Tests Conclusion

In this paper I will try to give a brief and understandable summary about the genetic mutation I have discovered and its effect on Humans. After the Earth-Korhonen conflict in which incredible powers where released on the surface of the Earth and it's inhabitants many humans had to get regular medical checkups.

These medical experiments where taken because the Earth council feared for the lasting effects of the korhonen weapons, as nothing was known about them. During these checkups that also involved DNA matching of subjects to Pre-war documents I discovered a small genetic mutation with some subjects. Hidden away deep in the DNA strains information was found, information that shouldn't be there.

As I devoted more attention to this strange mutation it became clear that only 1 in approximately 10.000 humans carried the mutation. It turned up during studies of these people that most of them had trouble concentrating. They also complained about serious headaches when they where in public, crowded places. At first I thought of a sort of migraine, a disorder that can cause headaches when under stress and even oversensitiveness to light or sound. As some sorts of migraine where known to be genetically carried by people of the same bloodline. But soon I found out that my suspicions where wrong. The subjects I researched where in no way related to each other, they seemed to be randomly picked.

In the weeks after the first studies some of my assistants decided to use their spare time to do more research as I was debating with other scientists about the mutation that I found. They invited the subjects that had the mutation and submitted them to rigorous testing.

After a period of a week these where finished as my assistants and students had found out the reason for their 'illness' Somehow the genetic mutation had altered a part of the brain of the subjects. This part, lying behind the righter front lobes, used to be free of activity. But when put into a cat-scan, it turned out that the normally inactive area's where buzzing with activity. This activity would become less as the subjects where alone, but if more people where present in the testing area the colour on the scans would turn to a deep red, signalling massive activity.

Patient Delusions
At first I didn't know what I had discovered, until I had some private talks with the research subjects. After several talks one of them admitted to me that he had serious delusions sometimes. Mostly when near other people. He stated that he would think that he could feel their emotions, or even see them. He was afraid to come out at first because he thought he was going crazy. But as I asked the other subjects of they had had any serious delusions they admitted that after long persistent talks. All seemed afraid that they had some psychological disfunction.

Thought Tests
As I combined these facts it became clear to me that we had stumbled onto something enormous. The subjects where exposed to 'normal' people sending out emotions like anger or fear and in most cases the subjects made no errors in establishing their emotional state.

These test where repeated with a barrier between the subjects and the 'normal' people. Again 98% told us the correct emotional state of the subject and some even reported us that they had felt strange thoughts filling their minds as they concentrated on them. When checked with the testing people it turned out that they had exactly thought what the subjects had written on paper. I was enthusiastic as I realised that we had made the discovery of the century. Somehow the mutation had activated parts of the human mind that allowed them to develop psychic abilities.

Extensive research was started and within a year the 'Sanders institute' was opened in a mars colony, researching the psychic abilities that we had developed. At first progress was slow, as we didn't (and still don't) understand the workings of the human mind. But after several years we managed to come up with a theory about psychic abilities.

According to most theories everything around us has an own frequency, light, mass, even the human mind everything vibrates at it's own rate. Somehow psychics where able to change the nature of their own frequency into a frequency similar to other minds, thus making 'contact'. As they 'tuned' their minds to other minds they where able to have access to the emotions, thoughts and memories of these minds.

See Also:
Terran Exobiology Terran Military use of Telepaths

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents � Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi